Top Countries By Meat Consumption

Top Countries  By  Meat Consumption

Top Countries By Meat Consumption

10.  Netherlands 7,020,060 MT

Top Countries By Meat Consumption

10.  French Polynesia 96.09 kg/Person

9.  Samoa 96.68 kg/Person

Top Countries By Meat Consumption

10.  French Polynesia 96.09 kg/Person

9.  Samoa 96.68 kg/Person

8.  Israel 97.02 kg/Person

Top Countries By Meat Consumption

10.  French Polynesia 96.09 kg/Person

9.  Samoa 96.68 kg/Person

8.  Israel 97.02 kg/Person

7.  Spain 100.26 kg/Person

Top Countries By Meat Consumption

10.  French Polynesia 96.09 kg/Person

9.  Samoa 96.68 kg/Person

8.  Israel 97.02 kg/Person

7.  Spain 100.26 kg/Person

6.   Macao  103.15 kg/Person

Top Countries By Meat Consumption

10.  French Polynesia 96.09 kg/Person

9.  Samoa 96.68 kg/Person

8.  Israel 97.02 kg/Person

7.  Spain 100.26 kg/Person

6.   Macao  103.15 kg/Person

5.  Argentina   109.39 kg/Person

Top Countries By Meat Consumption

10.  French Polynesia 96.09 kg/Person

9.  Samoa 96.68 kg/Person

8.  Israel 97.02 kg/Person

7.  Spain 100.26 kg/Person

6.   Macao  103.15 kg/Person

5.  Argentina   109.39 kg/Person

4.  Australia 121.61 kg/Person

Top Countries By Meat Consumption

10.  French Polynesia 96.09 kg/Person

9.  Samoa 96.68 kg/Person

8.  Israel 97.02 kg/Person

7.  Spain 100.26 kg/Person

6.   Macao  103.15 kg/Person

5.  Argentina   109.39 kg/Person

4.  Australia 121.61 kg/Person

3.  United States of America 124.11 kg/Person

Top Countries By Meat Consumption

10.  French Polynesia 96.09 kg/Person

9.  Samoa 96.68 kg/Person

8.  Israel 97.02 kg/Person

7.  Spain 100.26 kg/Person

6.   Macao  103.15 kg/Person

5.  Argentina   109.39 kg/Person

4.  Australia 121.61 kg/Person

3.  United States of America 124.11 kg/Person

2.   Hong Kong 137.08 kg/Person